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Benjamin Ice (USA, Atlanta). Review of the international video conference “FOR CREATIVE SOCIETY!”


On June 22nd in Atlanta (USA) an unprecedented in its scale press conference “FOR CREATIVE SOCIETY!” took place on the platform of ALLATRA  International Public Movement to which people from 180 countries of the world connected via online video conference.

Robby Wells opened the international press conference announcing his intention to run for US President to implement into practice the values ​​and foundations of ALLATRA.

Also, speakers of the conference were:
Marina Ovtsynova, a participant of ALLATRA International Public Movement; Chander Gambhir, former Indian diplomat; Robert Kennedy, the president of the Atlanta Council on International Relations

All speakers spoke honestly and openly about the pressing problems of the consumer society, focused on the urgent need for creative transformation in the world, as well as the importance of the international activities of ALLATRA IPM for the sake of uniting all the people of the world on the basis of humanity, unity and respect for all. Real substantive steps  to build a creative and constructive society in a peaceful way were announced. 

As a result of the conference, people at all locations in different countries of the world continued to communicate on the wave of friendship and unification, exchanged ideas on what changes we can do in different areas to make society more humane and constructive. Those present  shared in the video reviews a sincere understanding of how much we all need changes today, voiced by the speakers of the conference, and expressed their readiness to act for the sake of uniting all humankind into a single big and friendly family, without borders and wars, where everything is honest and open, where truth and Love reign. After all, only such a society has a future!

Join the international initiative — to meet all together in a year on the second Saturday of May at the world large-scale event of the new format "SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE 2020" #allatraunites!

Official website of the project "Society. Last chance":

Official e-mail of the project "Society. Last chance": 
[email protected]

Official website of ALLATRA International Public Movement

Official e-mail of ALLATRA International Public Movement: 
[email protected]


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