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Refugees | Death Camps

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Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Aug 2, 2022
😲 These people are running from a deadly danger. But do they have a future?

Today, military conflicts, food, political, economic, climatic, and other crises force a huge number of people to leave their homes.

They are stuck among states without rights or protection, also often becoming easy prey for human traffickers.

These people have no place anywhere but in overcrowded refugee camps.

People live there in inhuman conditions:
❌ tarpaulin tents in the cold
❌ electric heaters without electricity
❌ buckets of ice water on the street instead of a normal shower

❓ So why is the existence of these camps around the world beneficial?
💰 Where are the refugee relief funds going?

❌ In a consumer society, no one wants to solve other people’s problems. Everyone is focused on themselves. Such a society has no prospects. It is deadlocked and doomed.

❗ Tomorrow, we will all be in this concentration camp if we do not change the format of our society to a creative one.

If you believe that you are a HUMAN who is worthy of a different future, then it is in your hands to make it right! Nothing is more precious than human life. It’s easy to take it away, but impossible to get it back.

🌍 The way out was announced on May 7, 2022, at the International online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live" which was held on the platform of the Creative Society project with simultaneous translation into 100 languages.
More about the event:

🌍 "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live" | Forum Broadcast on Youtube:

🌍 Follow the link to watch the conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth” in 100 languages:

🌍 Watch "Global Crisis. Time For the Truth" Conference on Youtube in English:


🌍 Official website of the international project "Creative Society":
📩 [email protected]

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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth #refugees #displaced #WeWant2Live


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