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The paradox: Hunger in the Midst of Plenty. How to Solve It? | International Discussion


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Jun 27, 2022
🙅 Is it possible to live peacefully, knowing that there is at least one child in the world who lacks food or water? For the sake of that child, you would change the whole world just to avoid seeing him suffer. And there are millions of such children!

The absurdity of the modern consumerist format is that such technologies already exist to solve the problem of hunger. So why aren't they being introduced everywhere? Let's talk about that today in an international discussion.

On-air guests are:
⏩ Kanu Eleke, teacher of the Council for Arabic and Islamic Studies (Nigeria)
⏩ Etty Moyo, professional teacher and founder of T-vines Academy of Learning and Developments (Nigeria)

Let's discuss such questions as:
❓ How is it that there is such a thing as hunger in today's world of advanced technology
❓ Whether people have a future in a consumerist format of society
❓ How important is it to inform all people about the Creative Society and the benefits for everyone

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➡️ International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" with 100 languages of interpreting:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" in English:

➡️ "Do You Know What Will Save Humanity? | International discussion":

➡️ "People Must Live! | International discussion":

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society International Project:
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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #WeWant2Live #WeArePeople


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