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Everybody must know the Truth


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Dec 25, 2021
​​After the international online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth ” was held, it became obvious that our society is on the brink. Crises are observed in various spheres of life, including the climatic, ecological and the most terrible - the crisis of humanness. People around the world need help but face aggression, cruelty and even slavery.

🌍Today, December 24, 2021, the international panelists will share their thoughts and feedback on the conference:

📍 Aizan Bergoeva - teacher of Chechen language and literature (Russian Federation).
📍 Ravan Tamer - pharmacist and tv host (Egypt).

We are going to talk about why the information presented at the conference should be heard around the world and what we can do to spread it. How important is it to bring people together in a creative society format?

👉 Dear friends, please send your video reviews of the conference to 📧 [email protected]

➡️ International online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth” with translation into 100 languages of the world:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the online conference "Global Crisis. Time for Truth" in English:

🌐 The official website of the Creative Society international project:
Email: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth


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