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Life of the Worthiest. TRAILER | Kaleidoscope Facts 24


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jul 9, 2022
😇 Zarathushtra, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammed are Great Personalities who at different times brought to people the Primordial Knowledge that awakens hearts and gives true freedom. They are the worthiest of people, sent by God Himself to help humankind to acquire the true meaning of life.

🔷 What was their life like and what difficulties did they face?
🔷 How did they discover the Truth?
🔷 Who gave Them the Primordial Knowledge?

In contrast, there have always been those in the world who opposed the Truth and distorted it in every possible way.

❓ What tragic consequences has this led to
❓Who stole thousands of years of happiness and prosperity from humanity? And why?

It's time to give the truth back to the people!

On July 13, 2022, at 15:00 GMT, watch the new episode “Life of the Worthiest” | Kaleidoscope of Facts 24.

Initiated by participants of ALLATRA IPM from the United States, the Netherlands, and Uzbekistan.

➡️ Videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

➡️ Kaleidoscope of Facts. All broadcasts:

➡️ Video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "What the Prophets Dreamed of":

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