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Believers And Atheists Will Love This

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ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Mar 11, 2021
It’s time we seek common grounds and unity for the sake of the future of Humanity. Even though religion has often played a divisive role in society, it can now become the source of unity for billions of people.

The prophets of all religions wanted people to live in harmony with each other and taught them the values of Creative Society.

Today we can achieve this and fulfill what the prophets dreamed of and what the greatest thinkers and humanists in history envisioned as an ideal society for humanity.

Global online conference "Creative Society. UNITED WE CAN"

Creative Society Unites Everyone

International online conference "Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of", March 20th, 2021

Join the Creative Society project:

ALLATRA TV Official email: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety​ #ALLATRA​ #future


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