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The Pope Blessed the Creative Society Project


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Dec 20, 2021
⛪ The international project "Creative Society" has received the apostolic blessing from His Holiness Pope Francis. Realizing the seriousness of the climate threat hanging over our planet, the head of the Vatican highly appreciated the importance and relevance of the Creative Society for humanity. The apostolic blessing of the Pope was solemnly announced at the international online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" by Jozef Spisak, a parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church from Slovakia.

💬 "We are facing the threat of global climate change," states Jozef Spisak. — The decisive moment has come, and the future of our children and our common home depends on our joint actions. That is why the actions of each person are so important in building a society where the main value is human life, where everything is based on mutual respect and equality between people."

❗ In one of his speeches, the Pope said that difficult times open up opportunities for our society that should not be missed. Friends! Let's not miss our last chance to save humanity and build a wonderful world for future generations!

➡️ International online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with 100 languages ​​of interpreting:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the online conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" in English:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society project:
E-mail: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth #Pope #JozefSpisak


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