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Moving together to one goal | Paul Mazzolini for Creative Society project

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Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Dec 23, 2021
Paul Mazzolini (Gazebo), world-famous Italian singer, songwriter, musician and record producer shared his thoughts on the Creative Society project.

As a child, Paul grew up in a multicultural environment that taught him to appreciate all sorts of differences in background people have and value the inner integrity of a person. “Once we are in harmony with ourselves we can be in harmony with everybody else”, he says.
Being in the music business since the 1970s, Paul shares a great insider view on what it’s like to work with a record company versus being an independent musician in the consumerist world.

Paul expresses his concern about our attitude towards the environment. He is confident we can create a perfect harmony of humanity with the environment and we have to protect our “home”. To deal with the multiple issues we are facing as a society, we have to start from the basics: respect for nature and education.

Education is of primary importance since we should avoid huge mistakes of the past, put aside violence and conflicts and learn a new approach to power. Power is an enormous responsibility. On the other hand, education is the essential tool that supplies one with personal strength enough to withstand any outside power that wants to control one.

Paul believes that our civilization doesn’t have much time. Today, we’ve reached the point of our development when things have to change radically.

Creative Society is an international project that aims to unite people of the world in one noble aim: to build a society format worthy of a Human, where each individual’s life is the key value and where all people can live in peace, economic stability and prosperity. During the global #ClimateCrisis it’s of vital importance for everyone to support this unique initiative and respond asap to this call for unity. Please join and share!

➡️ International online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth", interpreted into 100 languages of the world:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" in English:

➡️ Official website of the Creative Society international project:
Email: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth


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