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Second Generation Refugee. Firsthand Story | Stephen Wandu Bimo, South Sudan


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Oct 2, 2022
❓ Why is there such a thing as refugees in our "civilized" society and why is their number growing every day?

Stephen Wandu Bimo, founder and executive director of I CAN organization in South Sudan, which is run by refugees themselves, explains the conditions refugees live in and what problems they face.

💬 "There are so many agreements and so many human rights, but they are mostly on paper, they don't work in practice," Stephan admits. Therefore, the mission of his organization is to promote and contribute to the well-being, protection, survival and development of displaced children.

❌ International organizations involved in financing affected people receive a lot of money. However, where it really goes, you will find out in this interview from a man who is a refugee himself.

💠 In order to eradicate the word "refugee" from our vocabulary and for all people to be free and happy, it is necessary to completely change the current consumer format of society to a creative one. Volunteers from 180 countries of the world are already doing this, implementing the project "Creative Society". Join us, dear friends. Together we can change the world!

🌍 Find out the whole truth about what is happening in the modern world and about the way out of the current situation, by watching the live broadcast of the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity":

🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. We Are People. We Want to Live" with a language selection:

⏩ YouTube broadcast of the Forum in English:

⏩ "CREATIVE SOCIETY. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS" with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

➡️ Official website of the International Creative Society Project:
📩 E-mail: [email protected]

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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #climate #refugees


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