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Exodus. A Buddhist Parable


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Sep 13, 2022
💫 If someone spits in your face, how would you react? A logical reaction would be anger, aggression, resentment, or indignation. But there were those who acted differently.

This Buddhist parable is just one episode in the life of the great man Siddhartha Gautama. But people remembered it and are passing the parable to each other after millennia as an example of a completely different attitude toward life.

📽️ This video is an excerpt of the episode “Life of the Worthiest | Kaleidoscope of Facts 24.”

Indeed, when touching on the real-life story of the Great People, you understand all the dirt and lies of this world.

Yet, today we can restore the lost Knowledge and build the world that the Prophets dreamed of — the Creative Society!

The Truth brings good people together!

🌐 "Creative Society. What the Prophets Dreamed of | International Online Conference of May 20, 2021":

🌐 “Life of the Worthiest | Kaleidoscope of Facts 24":

🌐 All episodes of the Kaleidoscope of Facts:

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#Buddha #Gautama #Buddhistparable #KaleidoscopeofFacts #ALLATRA #CreativeSociety


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