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Artificial Intelligence, Ecology, Climate | It's time to face the reality of the world's threats

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ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jul 25, 2021
By uniting, people can do everything! This was proved by the international conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone", which took place yesterday, July 24, 2021, on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement. The conference was simultaneously interpreted into 72 languages and was organized entirely by volunteers from all over the world. It was broadcasting on thousands of Internet platforms around the world.

The speakers voiced the shocking truth about the crises that humanity is facing today and that the world's media are silent about. But the sooner all people are notified of what is truly going on in the world today, the sooner we can find the way out and build the Creative Society.

As a follow-up to the conference and raised topics, we continue to explore the subject of the global crisis.
Today, on July 25, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. GMT there will be the first international round table discussion on the topics that were voiced at the conference.

Today, the participants of the round table will share their understanding of the information that was voiced at the conference and what everyone can do now to save humanity.

It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and look at what is really happening. And if you're sitting in a cozy armchair right now, and you're doing fine, and you're not doing anything to spread this life-saving information, get ready to lose everything you have. Because we have one step left to take us into the abyss! Life of every human is on the scales.

International Online Conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone”:

"The Future? This Affects Everyone," the new video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

Official site of the International Project "The Creative Society"
[email protected]

Official website of the International Internet Television ALLATRA TV
[email protected]

#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #allatraunites


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