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Primordial Meaning of Rituals: Sacrifice and Fasting


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Aug 28, 2021
What is real fasting?
What kind of sacrifice is pleasing to Allah? Sacrifice in Islam.
What is the translation for the word ’taqwa?
Who is a true Muslim?
What is said in the Hadith about the advent of Imam Mahdi?
In this video, Rinat is telling how Islam revealed itself to him after he watched the videos with Imam Mahdi and found answers to the questions of his concern. We are living in a wonderful era when the time has come for Muslims of the entire world to unite around the banner of Imam Mahdi!

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

Online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone":

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#ImamMahdi #ProphetMuhammad #Islam


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