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Global Crisis. What Kind of World will We Leave to Our Children?| International Round Table


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Aug 4, 2021
Today, humanity is going through a difficult period of crises, the climate crisis being the most dangerous of them. Shocking information about it was announced on July 24, 2021, at the conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone". At daily international round tables, we continue to cover the topics raised at the conference, which really touch a nerve. Today, let's discuss the following:
❗ Climate situation today. Are people ready to face cataclysms?
❗ Real conditions of climate refugees
❗ Why do people in power keep silent?
❗ Why has the consumerist format of society become obsolete?
❗ What should we change in order to survive?
❗ How important is it to inform people that there is a chance to survive?

We see what is happening to the climate and our society — millions of people are already suffering! We just need to change the format of society to a creative one, where the value of life is paramount, where we are united and find better solutions together, using advanced technology. Dear friends, everyone can bring this message to others and give people a CHOICE!

Please, send your video feedback to our email [email protected]

Online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" with a selection of languages on the official website of the Creative Society project:

YouTube broadcast of the conference in English:

"The Future? This Affects Everyone" | NEW VIDEO with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

ALLATRA TV International Internet Television official website:
E-mail: [email protected]

#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #allatraunites


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