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The Simplest and most Difficult Thing is to Speak Up! | Feedback on the Conference


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Sep 8, 2021
The new episode of video feedback from the people who watched the conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone", touches us to the core.

🌍 On July 24, 2021 information about the critical state of our planet became available to all people. After watching the conference, people realized how important it is to let everyone know that our entire civilization is on the brink of an abyss.

"All this is happening because of our silence, because we are silent, because we are watching soap operas instead of studying what's going on. All this outrage is happening now because of our global laziness, global sleeping, and silent consent. Friends, this conference is a must-see for everyone! The incredible amount of information that has been gathered - it really deserves everyone's attention," singer Natalia Izvekova urges.

Humanity is really running out of time, but there is a chance to change everything if all people recollect humanness and unite to build a Creative Society. It is very important to inform each and every one about this now.

Please, send your video feedback to our email [email protected]

Online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" with a selection of languages on the official website of the Creative Society project:

YouTube broadcast of the conference in English:

"The Future? This Affects Everyone" | NEW VIDEO with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

ALLATRA TV International Internet Television official website:
E-mail: [email protected]

#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #allatraunites


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