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АллатРа ТВ
АллатРа ТВ
Published:Mar 3, 2018
ALLATRA International Public Movement and volunteers of ALLATRA TV invite everyone who wants to join the experiment PYRAMID, which will be held on April 28 2018 5 pm Greenwhich meantime.

The essense of the experiment is to transmit the same information telepathically to as many people as possible regardless of distance. At a given time, our operator will enter the PYRAMID apparatus and for half an hour will transmit into ether one of the 12 symbols. Anyone interested will receive the form with the symbols by email. All volunteers - the participants of this experiment - at the same time will be able to perceive this symbol by means of telepathy, regardless of their location on the planet.

Our goal is to conduct an experiment in order to establish the possibility of telepathic transmission of information at a distance as well as to confirm the existence of a single information field of the Earth.

Similar experiments were carried out in the 1990s. We became interested in their results and have decided to repeat them but with the use of the PYRAMID apparatus; which we have been successfully using to conduct all sorts of experiments since November, 2017. You can find more details on the PYRAMID apparatus itself and the experiments carried out with its help via the link:

Everyone who wishes, may participate in the experiment on telepathic transmission of symbols. We invite all interested to join our research project.

The results of the experiment will be processed and published on the official website of ALLATRA TV:
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Over 2000 interested people from across the globe have registered to take part in this PYRAMID experiment. We will be able to compile more accurate and reliable statistical data if more people take part in this experiment. Together, we will be able to make a great contribution to the development of modern science.

ALLATRA International Public Movement is an international volunteer organization, uniting people of good will all over the world. You may find detailed information on the activity of our organization at our official website:

Everyone who wishes to take part in the PYRAMID experiment, please fill in the form on the website or send your requests to the email address: [email protected] Please indicate in the letter your first and last name, age, city and country. We will respond with a form containing twelve symbols and will give detailed instructions necessary to participate in the experiment.


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