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Imam Mahdi. About Imam Mahdi and that which concerns everyone. Islam: Religion of Love. Episode 10


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Oct 31, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters! We present to your attention an episode about Imam Mahdi, from which you will learn:
● Who is a real Muslim?
● Why are the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ignored today by those who call themselves Muslims?
● Why is Iblis so afraid that Muslims will finally be guided by the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about Imam Mahdi and unite under the banner of Mahdi?
● Correct interpretation and translation of the main Hadith about the advent of Imam Mahdi.
● How and through what tricks does Iblis deceive Muslims today? Recommendations on how to get rid of these tricks.
● The truth about Allat.
● The true Qur'anic Ayah about the Allat Sisters.
● The truth about the Thaif sanctuary.
● Hadiths about Imam Mahdi.
● Signs of the Hour, the End times, that have come true before our eyes.
● Why don't people see the obvious?
● An example of how even politicians are forced to follow people because people start telling the truth openly. How a presidential candidate of the United States began to speak about serving people and about the fact that the most important thing for all of humanity today is to unite around ALLATRA.
● The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was not silent, that is why Islam spread. Why are those who today call themselves Muslims silent?
● The unification of humanity has already begun! ALLATRA International Public Movement is a unique initiative of people who are active and inspired by the knowledge of AllatRa brought by Mahdi!
● What each of us can do! The choice of every person determines the future of humanity!

Dear brothers and sisters! The most significant event for all humankind is the arrival of Imam Mahdi! The most joyful news for all the righteous people on Earth is the news about Mahdi! And we are happy to convey this news to all of you! What is related to Imam Mahdi and the Knowledge that is given through Mahdi is the most important thing for all humankind today! This is a signal to unite all humankind in a single family with faith in the One Creator!


Series of programs: Islam-the religion of Love

The Book "Allatra". Anastasia Novykh

Official website Of ALLATRA International Public Movement

We will be glad to receive your letters, e-mail: [email protected]

#Islam #Mahdi #Imammahdi


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