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The MATRIX is glitching. Have you also noticed this? WHAT does this mean?


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Oct 12, 2021
The Matrix glitches that anyone can notice. How do they manifest themselves and what does this mean?
We invite you to join the live broadcast of an international online research conference "The Matrix: from Illusion to Reality", within the KALEIDOSCOPE OF FACTS project.

October 13, at 16:00 GMT, on ALLATRA TV.

We will explore the following topics:
- Evidence for the virtuality of our world
- What is the Matrix?
- Basic principles of how the Matrix (system) works
- Who is a human being? What does a person look like in other dimensions?
- How to get out of the Matrix: practical tools
- What conditions should exist in society to implement the main human purpose?

On October 13, at 16:00 GMT, the Kaleidoscope of Facts "The Matrix: from Illusion to Reality"
Organized by ALLATRA PM participants from Spain and Latin America.

"Video Gaming Addiction of the System" (English Subtitles) with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov

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The Kaleidoscope of Facts: ALL EPISODES

ALLATRA TV international Internet Television official website:
E-mail: [email protected]

#Matrix #ALLATRA #Kaleidoscope_of_Facts


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