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What is the connection of the pyramids on Earth with other planets? Pyramid complex of the Universe


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Dec 11, 2020
Pyramids on Earth have been explored for many centuries. Thousands of these structures have already been found on our planet and they continue to be found to this day.
Surprisingly, the pyramids were found on other objects in the Solar System: on Mars, Ceres and the moon.

Who built them and why?

Answers to these and other questions in the online conference “Kaleidoscope of Facts", which will be held live on 13.12.2020 on ALLATRA TV.

Pyramids of the world. What is their role in times of global cataclysms? Kaleidoscope of facts 5

Mars — Earth. The Beginning

If you have any questions about participating in the Kaleidoscope of Facts project, please email: [email protected]

#pyrimidisonEarth #pyrimidsonmars #pyrimidsonthemoom #pyramids


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