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Two Ways of Society Development. The Choice is Up to Us


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Dec 17, 2023
Why do many predictions call our time the age of renewal of the world or the age of revival? What ways can there be for society development? Believers of all religions of the world are waiting for the One whom different religions call the Comforter or Imam Mahdi, that He will come and solve all the problems of humanity. But is this really so? What is the goal of His advent?

🔻 Can He influence events when the destiny of humankind will be decided?
🔻 What can each of us do at this destiny-making time?
🔻 What are the possible scenarios for society development?
🔻 What does it mean for people to make a decisive choice?
🔻 What can the new world be like?
🔻 What is a society of Love?

Watch the full version of "The Circle of Life" video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, an excerpt of which is presented herein.

"The Circle of Life":

Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

📢 On December 2, 2023, at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. The Responsibility," the ways out of the current impasse, in which all of humanity finds itself today, were revealed!

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#waysofsocietydevelopment #choiceisuptous #ALLATRA


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