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Ancient pyramids of the world: inter-disciplinary study. Dr. Sam Osmanagich


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Dec 1, 2020
Dr. Sam Osmanagich (, Bosnian Pyramid discoverer and Principal Investigator, member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Archaeological Society of Alexandria, Ph.D. in Mayan pyramids, author of 18 books on ancient civilizations.

Dr. Sam Osmanagich's work has been followed by CNN, ABC, BBC, National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Science Channel, History Channel, etc.

We will discuss with Dr. Osmanagich such Topics:
Chronology of construction and geographical distribution of the pyramids. Unique pyramids.
Orientation according to sides of the earth, along the stars. The pattern of location between the pyramids.
Advanced properties of the pyramids. How pyramids are related to Schumann resonance.
Stone spheres
The team of volunteers and scientists involved in the excavation and studies of the Bosnian valley of pyramids: what unites people in this archaeological project and why this project became the most active archeological project in the world.

Pyramids of the world. What is their role in times of global cataclysms? Kaleidoscope of facts 5

Warning of Pyramids! Change of 12,000 Years Cycle. The Beginning of Disasters!

#pyramid #BosnianPyramid #purposeofpyramids


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