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Our Earth


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Aug 22, 2021
International online conference “Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone” 07.24.2021 is an important event for the fate of all humanity! This large-scale event inspired participants of ALLATRA International Public Movement to create the song “Our Earth”. This song is a kind of creative invitation to the International online conference “Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone” 07.24.2021

"Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" | International Online Conference 24.07.2021


Once the Earth used to be
The blooming garden, but today we see
We nearly killed it, but it’s our common Planet
Isn’t it time to come back to parity?

We are Humanity! What is technology leading us to?
Robotization in a consumer society
Will lead us to workless men on wild streets

What are we here for? Our Planet can’t cope anymore!
And today we are at the edge, feeding the greediness which never ends
What are we here for? To destroy or to create a better world?
They’ve been separating us for a long time
It’s time to stop anti-humanity crime

We’ve come to the edge of the abyss
Because of our actions the Earth is in disease
And this is the result of dividing the Planet
We burn it and kill it, but she’s keeping it silent

The patience of Mother Earth is coming to the end
We need to stop it, we have to understand
Nature can’t cope with this anger and greediness
That’s all because of disunity and weakness

We’ve been divided by so many religions
Enough surrounding us with borders and regions
For centuries we have been enslaved
But only in unity, we all can be saved

Today we have to say stop
And from knees let’s get up
New Era came filled with Love and connection
Freedom for all without disaffection

The only way for us to stay alive is a Creative Society
If our God is one, then why are we separated?
Why are we all so frustrated?
Didn't He tell through the prophets?
And didn’t the last Prophet say?

Didn’t JESUS say?
You the Lord are One, You created the sky, the Earth and everything on it

And your Allah is One Allah: There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Quran 2:163

"The Future? This Affects Everyone" | NEW VIDEO with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

More about the Creative Society project:
E-mail: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #AllatRa #OurEarth #GlobalCrisis


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