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The Choice of the Personality


АллатРа ТВ
АллатРа ТВ
Published:Sep 20, 2018
“In order to gain Life, you should gain it here and now. And everyone has this Chance, everyone is capable of it” - Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, “The Invisible World” programme.

What is the true life and what does the real choice of the Personality consist of? How to choose LIFE? This video is based on the popular ALLATRA TV programme “Meeting of ALLATRA IPM participants with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov”, which took place at the ALLATRA International Public Movement Coordination Centre.

This programme gives answers to the questions which everybody asks themselves. How to attain freedom? How to overcome any fears, including the fear of death? How to learn to see the work of consciousness and to start living the real life as a spiritual Personality? How to feel God’s Love? The path to freedom lies through the inner attainment of Life itself.

Books by Anastasia Novykh
The books by Anastasia Novykh give those primordial spiritual revelations and truths on the basis of which all the world religions were born and which have now been mostly lost in them.

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