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What ALL The Prophets Taught And What WE Have Come To? TRAILER Global Online Conference 20.03.2021


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Feb 8, 2021
Look around: what kind of society are we living in nowadays? Why in the 21st century are we still unable to live in peace and harmony with each other?
All prophets bequeathed us to love. But what prompts us to violate their main commandment? How was the truth brought by the prophets distorted?
What did the prophets say about the society of the future and the end times? How can we come to a society of creation and humanity’s prosperity?

The international conference Creative Society: What the Prophets Dreamed of, on March 20th, 2021, will unite millions of people all over the world in order for everyone to know that the time has come to create a world that all the prophets dreamed of!
This is the day when the world will unite to find out the whole truth. Join with all of humanity and pass on.

Video Creative Society Unites Everyone

Video What the Prophets Dreamed of

#creativesociety​ #allatraunites​ #Whattheprophetsdreamedof


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