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From El to the Iliad How the Archons’ secret rule was established


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Jan 25, 2021
El, Enlil, God Elohim, Elagabalus, Yahweh: what do these ancient God names have in common? Where does “elite” take its origin?

How are the Hellens and Greece related to El?
How the Iliad and Odyssey by Homer impacted people’s minds and established the Archons' ideology for centuries to come.

Find out where the tradition came from for all rulers and governing authorities to reside in the White house.

Playlist with film Atlantis. The elite in search of immortality

"The unknown history of Atlantis. Secrets and cause of destruction". Kaleidoscope of Facts. Episode 2


#atlantis #originsofsumer #elysium #babylonian #originsodthebible


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