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Kevin Ellis | Education as a means to benefit society and develop oneself


Kevin Ellis, Master of Business Administration and Master of Arts in Religion about education in a creative society, on Allatraunites.
Education is such a broad topic and it doesn't only include schools, colleges, and universities, but it goes way back to a person's childhood and the way he or she was brought up. It is precisely then that the core values of our behavior are formed, and it is essential that those values are good, moral, and creative. Because they later affect the very reason that a child wants to pursue an education - to simply earn money and become someone in this material world, or to learn a profession that will benefit the whole society, that will bring joy to this person and help him or her in the personal growth and development.

In a creative society, every person should have full freedom to choose a profession he or she wants to learn, to decide how much he or she wants to study, to have all means necessary to pursue any education a person wishes to acquire. All jobs and professions should be respected equally and paid fairly. And it is exactly then, when a person is able to make the decision which education to get based on his true interests and preferences, that people can truly be happy and enjoy every step of the educational experience and every day at their future work. After all, creative society is the society of happy people!


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