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Entire TRUTH About Mass Media. Differences Between Mass Media in Consumer and Creative Societies


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Apr 26, 2022
What headlines and topics do mass media prioritize in a consumer society, and what do the media look like in a Creative Society? Why are the subjects of manipulation, profit, and competition promoted in newspapers, magazines, and other mass media in a consumer society? And what kind of information do people disseminate and multiply in a creative way of life? What do mass media look like in a healthy human society?

What are the system and consciousness? Personality and Spirit. What do people not see? How to become free? Physics of the supernatural. The truth that exposes the system and changes you forever! Watch in the video "CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. FROM THE INEVITABLY DEAD TO THE ETERNALLY ALIVE":

#MassMedia #Truth #Society #Allatra


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