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Work on Yourself: What Is the Goal? Psychology. Discovering the Truth


AllatRa TV Danmark
AllatRa TV Danmark
Published:Dec 29, 2022
A person goes to a specialist in the field of psychology in order to solve a certain situation. He sincerely hopes to get the cherished remedy, which is guaranteed to get rid of his problem and give him a happy life.

Do modern specialists have such a remedy? And what can it be: a method, medication or a comprehensive approach with a variety of therapies?

In this episode of Psychology. Discovering the Truth we will talk about the work on yourself:

🔹What is work on yourself?
🔹Who does the work and over whom?
🔹Why do we work on ourselves?
🔹What can work on yourself give you?

There are still enough gaps in psychology, which does not favor effective solutions of people’s requests.

Therefore, friends, let’s figure out the current issues and discover the Truth together!

Send your questions and suggestions to our email [email protected] or write them in the comments below this video.

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