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The Importance of Knowing the Truth | International Round Table


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Aug 20, 2021
Today our society is on the brink of survival. We are threatened by various crises that our civilization has never faced before. But it is very important for each person to be aware of what is happening to the world in order to make the right choice.
🌍 On July 24, 2021, the conference, "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone", was held. After watching it, everyone understands that the Creative Society is our only way out.

We continue the cycle of international round tables, where speakers from around the world deeply cover the vital topics raised at the conference.

And today we will hear answers to the following questions:

🌍 Ecology. How far have we come in destroying our environment?
🌍 Cyclicity of cosmic processes. How does climate change affect people's lives?
🌍 The destructiveness of the consumer format of society
🌍 What values should prevail in society, and what is the true unification of people?
🌍 What simple steps can each of us take to build the Creative Society?

Only by changing the format of society from the consumerist, destructive, to the creative one, will we be able to consolidate our efforts and develop the technologies necessary to save humanity from upcoming cataclysms. Today we still have a chance to survive: to build the Creative Society, the world in which the life of every person will be of the highest value.
Please, send your video feedback to our email [email protected]

Online conference "Global Crisis. This Already Affects Everyone" with a selection of languages on the official website of the Creative Society project:

YouTube broadcast of the conference in English:

"The Future? This Affects Everyone" | NEW VIDEO with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

ALLATRA TV International Internet Television official website:
E-mail: [email protected]

#ALLATRA #CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #allatraunites


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