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Pyramids and extraterrestrial civilizations. The role of the pyramids during the change of epochs


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Aug 3, 2021
For many centuries, scientists and researchers have been looking for answers to the questions, "Who built the pyramids all over the Earth and for what purpose? Where did people in ancient times draw knowledge for the construction of such monumental structures?"

On August 13, 2021, as part of the research project "Kaleidoscope of Facts" watch "Pyramids and Extraterrestrial Civilizations. The role of the pyramids during the change of epochs" as we will continue to explore pyramid complexes around the world.

What connects the pyramids with higher civilizations? Was there any paleocontact during the construction of these complex megalithic structures?

Dendera. What important information for science and history is hidden in the Temple of Hathor?

Who were the builders of the pyramids? Where did they receive knowledge of mathematics, physics, astronomy, geodesy and other exact sciences?
The sacred symbolism of the pyramids. What messages are encrypted in the geometry of the pyramids as well as on artifacts and bas-reliefs of ancient temples?

What role do the pyramids play in building the Creative Society?

Cyclicity. The time of global climate disasters.

Will humanity survive at the crossroads of time?
The future of all humankind depends on the choice of each person!

It's time to bring the truth back to people!

Videos with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:

"Ancient pyramids on Earth and other planets. Kaleidoscope of Facts 5"

"Pyramid warning! Cycle change 12,000 years. The beginning of disasters!"

"What unites all the pyramids of the world and Kailash?"


Official website of ALLATRA TV:
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#Pyramids #KaleidoscopeofFacts #Allatra


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