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What is happening to our planet?


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Mar 30, 2022
❗ This is an undeclared war. The enemy is already destroying our planet, and that enemy is the climate! Scientists have proved the close dependence of the Earth's climate on the processes in the solar system. This is why the events occurring on the planet are so significant:
📌 accelerated melting of glaciers due to the rise of magma in huge mantle plumes
📌 rapid increase in volcanic activity across the planet
📌 destruction of the ozone layer because of the degassing of deep hydrogen
📌 extreme cooling in the stratosphere, reaching an all-time record low

❓ So what is the true cause of climate change?
❓ What causes the movement of the planet's core and an increase in the speed of its rotation?
❓ What causes volcanic activity, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes to increase?

It is now critical that each of us learns the truth!

📢 On May 7, 2022, come to the international online forum "Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live." We can only be saved by discovering the truth!

➡️ “Global Crisis. We are People. We Want to Live” | Official trailer of the international forum:

➡️ Online conference "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" with language selection:

➡️ YouTube broadcast of the conference in English:

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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #Time4Truth #CosmicRadiation #ClimateChange


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