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Earthquakes. What is happening and why? PULINETS SERGEY


ALLATRA TV International
ALLATRA TV International
Published:Oct 5, 2020
Sergey Pulinets, doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences, leading specialist of ICI RAS.
He works at the Institute of space research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and deals with a wide range of issues, including earthquake prediction based on the state of the ionosphere.
Among natural disasters, earthquakes are the second most frequent after floods, and the first in terms of their destructive consequences. How do earthquakes occur? Types of seismic events; Wegener's theory of tectonic plates; the process of restoring the Earth's surface, healing cracks. The relationship of cosmic factors, the influence of the Sun and earthquakes on earth. The concept of multiparametric analysis. The question of the possibility of predicting earthquakes and their precursors: 65% of successful earthquake forecasting versus 1%, observations of earthquake witnesses. The imbalance in climatic conditions. The most destructive earthquake in Italy in the last 30 years - is humanity ready for more serious natural disasters today? Is it possible to stop the entire infrastructure in 2 minutes?
Example of Japan. Code seismologists, who the experts are informed in the first place and why? The problem of false alarms. Humanity and climate disasters - how to make human life the highest value in practice?

Videos where vital questions about climate change on the planet are sharply raised, about warnings of future events.

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#earthquakes #earthquakeprediction #climatechange


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