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Climate Crisis and Innovation: Addressing Challenges Through Collaboration


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:May 1, 2024
In March 2024, participants of the Creative Society Project attended the Disasters EXPO USA in Florida, Miami. This event showcased many different companies that are involved in disaster management. Bryon Hodges, President of WindTripper Corporation was also present at the Expo. WindTripper Corp. has developed a technology that allows buildings to maintain roofs during hurricanes and strong winds.

During the interview, Bryon Hodges shared his excitement about attending the event. He said that events like this provide a great opportunity to learn about the latest technologies from around the world.

Mr. Hodges is convinced that a multidisciplinary approach is needed to solve a particular issue. He believes that it is through the unification of people that breakthrough ideas emerge and the most incredible solutions are found.

The issue of uniting scientists from all over the world is especially relevant now, as our planet is entering the 12,000-year cycle of climate catastrophes.

"New Climate Report. Scientists Urgently Call for Humanity's Assistance":

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