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Why it's important for you to be at the conference on December 4 | Global Crisis. Time for the Truth


Creative Society
Creative Society
Published:Dec 3, 2021
A person who has seen a lot in life can't be silent! These quotes from an interview with Alex Londos relate to everyone! A live appeal to the world!

“I've been doing video projects like this for two decades, desperately trying to raise awareness of climate change and environmental issues. I hope people watching this video will take the climate crisis more seriously.”

“I have covered blizzards, wildfires, hurricanes. I've been in tornadoes, chasing landslides, sinkholes, hazmat spills. I even went to Ghana during the peak of the Ebola outbreak.”

“I've been through dozens of catastrophic disasters around the world. I've seen suffering death and failed humanitarian response over and over again. And I'm telling you right now that I have never responded to any disaster anywhere in the world that I have seen a sufficient amount of help and resources responding to that specific disaster.”

“We also need more people taking the individual initiative and responsibility to build a bug out bag or BOB 72 hour bag.”

❗“We need more people working in emergency services because we will see more climate-related disasters around the world.”

“Reiterate please join the online conference called “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth” happening on December 4th, 2021”

✅ More information about the conference “Global Crisis. Time for the Truth”:

✅ "Global Crisis. Time for the Truth" | Official trailer

✅ Official website of the International project "Creative Society":
E-mail: [email protected]

#CreativeSociety #Time4Truth #GlobalCrisis


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